Jövőre 27. alkalommal rendezik meg a Szemiotikai és Strukturális Tanulmányok Nyári Iskoláját.
Helyszín: Imatra, Finnország
Időpont: 2012. július 8–12.
We are pleased to announce the research seminars and International Summer School for Semiotic and Structural Studies. The seminars will be organized by the International Semiotics Institute (ISI) at Imatra and open to any semiotician interested in the topics given below. The director of the Summer School and ISI, is Professor Eero Tarasti.
1) The 31st Annual Meeting of the Semiotic Society of Finland (open also for international scholars), June 9–10; chair: Eero Tarasti (Helsinki); Special themes: Performing Arts (chair: André Helbo, Bruxelles); Consumption as Signification (chair: Kristian Bankov, Sofia)
2) Nordic Semiotic Paradigms – NASS 25 Years: “Where Cognitive, Bio- and Existential Semiotics Meet?”, chair: Luis Emilio Bruni
3) Semiotics of Belonging: Existential, Axiological and Praxeological Aspects of Self-Identity at Home and Abroad; chairs: Elzbieta Wasik (Poznan) and Josef Zaprucki (Jelenia Góra)
4) 8th International Imatra Symposium on Semiotics and Translation, June 11–12;
chairs: Pirjo Kukkonen and Ritva Hartama-Heinonen (University of Helsinki)
5) Metamind Symposium: Modelling of Time and Space; chair: Daina Teters (Riga)
6) Places of Memory; chair: Patrizia Violi (Bologna)
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